You may have noticed that it has snowed a lot this winter. I remember (growing up in Spokane) the temperature being very cold (-40 degrees Fahrenheit), but I can't remember this much snow. And it is going to snow even more!
I walked to and from the grocery store, and the snow was up to my knees. It was very difficult to walk where the sidewalk had not been plowed. Huge piles of snow cleared by the snow plows lined both sides of the street. It is still better than the Ice Storm of 1996. Many homes and businesses lost power for several days. Road conditions were very slick because of the ice that formed from the freezing rain. Should we consider ourselves lucky this year?
One thing that is fun to do in the snow is to go sledding. If anyone is interested, we are going to Mt. Spokane on February 16th (Saturday) at around 12:00 to go sledding. The cost is $10.00 dollars per person. Dani sent out an e-mail, so you should all have a message in your Inbox.
Speaking of Dani, I took a picture of her freezing in the cold outside. She is trying to look like she is having fun, but she is actually very uncomfortable (the camera never lies). What do you all like to do to have fun in the snow? That is what I would like to know. Does anyone ski? Snowboard? Ice skate? Ice fish? Build a snowman? Make a snow angel? Have a snowball fight? Or do you just sleep like a hibernating bear?