Not only what we say, but how we say it and what we are doing when we say it say a lot. Does that make sense? What I am trying to say (actually, write) is body language and facial expressions are used a lot in communication.
Going back to the silent movie film clips we watched, we could understand the humor through what the people were doing. Even Mickey Mouse as Steamboat Willie used facial expressions. Even the whistles on the steamboat in Steamboat Willie had facial expressions. This is all part of body language.
When Buster Keaton falls through the hole in the roof and the woman in the bathtub yells at him to get out, we understand the emotion and expression even though no one is talking. This was before sound...even before color.
Body Language is also called Non-verbal communication and comedians, to give one professional example, need to master it. The little things we do are called cues (or visual cues) that let others know what we are thinking, expressing, trying to communicate, even if we ourselves are unaware of what we might be doing. Sometimes we exaggerate to make something seem funny. We cue a friend or audience to let them know they should laugh.
What I would like to know this time is...what visual cues, non-verbal communication, facial expressions, or body language do you use to express or say more (than just with words)? Is there any body language that is specific to your culture? What examples did you see in the clips we watched - or - what examples have you seen in other shows or movies? Just a few things I was wondering.
I think body language is important in making new friends. If you smile and be open to someone new, then they will want to know more about you. If you frown and cross your arms they think that you don't like them.
In my opinion, body language is an effective ways to improve the communication. People from different countries can not express their meanings precisely and body language can become a tool to solve this problem. It is very essential.
Eric, I agree. I think some body language is universal and you can tell what a person might be trying to say simply by observing them.
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